Tuesday, August 4, 2009

This is just the the first few. i will try to write more after Africa, it might hard b/c school starts the Monday after i get back (wensday).
Africa in 4 days. I AM NERVOUS BUT EXCITED!!! I'm not nervous about being in Africa but mostly b/c i have issues with sleeping, mostly Panic Attacks. but i have techniques ( i sing a song i learned in bible school, lol... Whatever is true, whatever is noble.... yeah that one) And my mom will be there so i will be ok. But as i was saying, i'm not nervous about being in Africa, well a little, I'm soooo excited. this is going to be sooo much fun!!!!
Woo hoo. I'm going to be there for 10 days, wow thats a long time!!!, but it will be great!!!!
this is going to be sooo much fun. I've been busy getting all my packing and chores done b4 we leave, thursday.
So, this is a continuation of my first blog.
A lot has happend since January.
My friendship fell apart with my best friend, Kimberli cam over during spring break ( i got out of school!!! woo hoo!!) TAKS test.
A tornado blew through across the street form my house! Ringo, my min pin since i was 5 ran away :( , I got a truck, i turned 16 i got out of school ON MY BDAY!!!! I went to my great grandma's funeral, I WENT TO COLORADO!!!! It is soooo beautiful there, omgosh, can't even describe it!!!!!! my dad had his bday ( I don't think he would appreciate me telling you how old he is, lol)
Most recently my cousin, Johnathon, was killed in Afghanastan. His wife is 4 mos. pergnant with their first child. I had a confliciting descion to go to the funeral instead of Africa, but my parents told me that it was better if i stuck with my first commitment.
Because of Johnathon's death it got me thinking how can i help the injured soldiers, then i remember in the 2nd grade doing a project on Clara Barton, who helped start the red cross, so i decided that i will (hopefully) be a nurse for the Red Cross. I have always thought about being a nurse, my sister and brother-in-law are nurses. So it seems like the perfect fit. This way i can help injured soldiers and help with major disastors.
So that is the latest. Africa is in 4days. I'm very excited.
So support the Marines (or Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Reserves...etc) :)